Emil Von Behring’s Diphtheria/Tetanus Papers (1890): Precursor to Antibodies

Emil Von Behring is considered the “Father of Immunology” which creates some confusion as Edward Jenner is also considered the “Father of Immunology.” Either Immunology has two daddies or you can pick whichever one you like best I suppose. In any case, it was Behring’s work that created the hypothesis that there were certain components… Continue reading Emil Von Behring’s Diphtheria/Tetanus Papers (1890): Precursor to Antibodies

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Beware the Snake Oil Salesmen

“My story has never been to create fear, panic, and anxiety about water.” He said he told Peters that he believes “there’s actually a snake venom connection to all of COVID-19, and I think that’s the weapon.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis https://www.thedailybeast.com/covid-conspiracy-theorists-are-at-war-over-snake-venom Summarizing his theory, Dr. Ardis said, “They are using Krait venom and Cobra… Continue reading Beware the Snake Oil Salesmen

Antibody Specificity?

“No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one virus. It will bind to any protein having the same (or a very similar) sequence.” -Clifford Saper, one of the world’s leading authorities on monoclonal antibodies, Harvard Medical School professor https://off-guardian.org/2021/03/06/the-antibody-deception/ One of… Continue reading Antibody Specificity?

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The Antibody Mess: Contradictions and Confusion

Illustration by Peter Hamlin.;

SEROCONVERSION: The development of detectable antibodies in the blood that are directed against an infectious agent. https://www.medicinenet.com/seroconversion/definition.htm Antibodies are supposed to be a sign that one has fought off an infection. These tiny unseen theoretical proteins are supposed to attach to the “virus” and clear it out of the body while leaving behind an army… Continue reading The Antibody Mess: Contradictions and Confusion

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Antibodies Are Not Required For Immunity

It is very important to understand that when the scientific community and the MSM talk about antibodies, they are speaking about particles never proven to exist. Like “viruses,” antibodies have never been purified/isolated directly from humans nor have they been EM imaged from completely purified samples where these tiny proteins are separated from everything else.… Continue reading Antibodies Are Not Required For Immunity

Categorized as Antibodies

The Reproducibility Crisis in Antibody Research

Over the last few decades, it has been shown that there is a huge reproducibility crisis going on in the sciences. This was brilliantly pointed out by John Ioannidis, a very well-respected physician/scientist and professor at Stanford, who concluded in a 2005 essay he wrote that most of the published scientific literature is wrong. One… Continue reading The Reproducibility Crisis in Antibody Research

Categorized as Antibodies

FDA and the CDC Destroy Antibody Testing and Immunity

If you want more evidence that unproven theoretical antibody measurements are absolutely useless, it’s always fun to go directly to the accepted mainstream sources themselves. Many times, you can find very revealing nuggets of information buried within their releases. This information tends to contradict the claims they make publicly. Case in point, the claim that… Continue reading FDA and the CDC Destroy Antibody Testing and Immunity

Categorized as Antibodies

Antibodies: No Correlation of Protection

“Neither an immune correlate of protection nor of the duration of protection has been established to date.” -WHO on “SARS-COV-2” vaccine immunity October 4th, 2021 https://www.who.int/news/item/04-10-2021-interim-statement-on-booster-doses-for-covid-19-vaccination In order for antibodies to have any usefulness as a measurement of protection, it must be established how many antibodies are needed for protection. This is supposedly determined by a… Continue reading Antibodies: No Correlation of Protection