Exosomes: Fact or Fiction?

In order to know whether the evidence submitted for any invisible entity is credible, one must examine the methods the researchers used in order to obtain their results. Did the researchers follow the scientific method? Were the procedures validated for the intended purposes? Are there technological limitations that need to be addressed? Did the researchers… Continue reading Exosomes: Fact or Fiction?

Categorized as Exosomes

Mission Control: The Exosome Escape Clause

mock-infected A control used in infection experiments. Two specimens are used one that is infected with the virus/vector of interest and the other is treated the same way except without the virus. Sometimes a non-virulent strain is used in the mock-infected specimen.” https://www.genscript.com/biology-glossary/10558/mock-infected#:~:text=A%20control%20used%20in%20infection,in%20the%20mock%2Dinfected%20specimen. A control in science is an element that remains unchanged or the same throughout the experiment. They allow for the experimentor… Continue reading Mission Control: The Exosome Escape Clause

The Exosome Concept

Although originally ignored as cell debris, it is increasingly evident that exosome release is regulated and occurs via an energy-dependent pathway. Exosomes are believed to ferry proteins, mRNA, and miRNA cargos through the bloodstream and other body fluids, shielding them from enzymatic degradation—a process that some retroviruses may hijack to travel beneath the immune system’s… Continue reading The Exosome Concept

Categorized as Exosomes

“Viruses” or Exosomes?

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? That’s what virologists would love for you to believe when it comes to their beautifully hand-crafted and digitally enhanced Electron Microscope images of particles claimed to be “viruses.” However, to understand the trickery involved in Virology, one must understand that there are billions of similar looking particles… Continue reading “Viruses” or Exosomes?

Categorized as Exosomes