The “Virus” Concept

You go through narrow-pored clay filters, which hold back all bacteria, easily pass through and you have they are not yet visible with the best microscopes, including the ultramicroscope can do. We must infer their existence because they represent various human, animal and plant diseases. It’s a very special strange fact that we are dealing with these microorganisms that are completely invisible… Continue reading The “Virus” Concept

The “Virus” Model

I recently went through the origins of the “virus” concept that was born in the late 1800s by pseudoscientific evidence generated for Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” (TMV) and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD). It was abundantly clear that, at the time of the creation of the “virus” concept, there was (and still is) no direct evidence that these pathogenic entities… Continue reading The “Virus” Model

Nipah’d in the Bud

Back in September of 2021, I was alerted to a “virus” that I had never heard of before known as the Nipah “virus.” After having a good laugh over the name (there were a few nipple jokes thrown about), I had decided to investigate this mysterious “virus” to see what all of the fuss was… Continue reading Nipah’d in the Bud

Is HPV Pathogenic?

In virology, in order to determine whether particles believed to be “viruses” are actually pathogenic, virologists must demonstrate pathogenicity in a suitable host in order to satisfy the last two of Koch’s four Postulates proving a microbe causes disease: 3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. 4. The microorganism… Continue reading Is HPV Pathogenic?

Categorized as HPV, Viruses

HPV Madness!

Looking back at the original papers, it was clear that the human “papillomavirus” (HPV) was nothing more than random particles found in ground up wart tissue. There was no attempt at purification/isolation of any “virus” nor was there any proof of pathogenicity. The researchers claimed that the particles they picked out from the impure samples… Continue reading HPV Madness!

Categorized as HPV, Viruses

Gain of Fiction

virus, infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. The name is from a Latin word meaning “slimy liquid” or “poison.” I have purposefully stayed away from the whole “SARS-COV-2” as a gain of function/bioweapon disinformation campaign as it is obvious to anyone who has ever read… Continue reading Gain of Fiction