Is Loss of Smell Specific to “Covid-19?”

Many people who believe “Covid-19” is a new disease caused by a novel “virus” tend to give the loss of smell (and taste) as a reason for this belief. They seem to think that this is the new symptom of disease which was not common before the arrival of “Covid-19.” This is most likely due to the hype that the CDC/WHO/MSM placed on this condition as an initial symptom heavily involved with this “novel virus.” However, when you do a little research, you find that this condition, known as ANOSMIA, is not new or rare at all. In fact, you will see it has been around for quite a long time:


“The answer is not really clear. There has never been a census to count the number of people who complain of problems with their senses of smell.

The Anosmia Foundation is working on putting together some statistics but in the meantime, please browse through the following statements from various North American newspapers.

The true incidence of anosmia is difficult to determine, although the National Institutes of Health have estimated that more than 2 million persons in the United States have a smell dysfunction.

-Ear, Nose and Throat Journal December 1, 2001

Anosmia is the term scientists now use for the condition, which affects at least 2 million Americans.

– Omaha World-Herald, September 20, 1999

She is a patient at the Nasal Dysfunction Clinic at the University of California at San Diego, one of only a handful of such clinics in the United States that explore the little-understood phenomenon of loss of smell, believed to afflict 2 million people nationwide.

– Los Angeles Times, March 30, 1987

Almost two out of three Americans have suffered a temporary loss of smell; about 1.2 per cent have “anosmia”, which means they have no sense of smell.

– The Toronto Star, September 27, 1989

Several million Americans have a problem with smell or taste.

– Knight Ridder/Tribune December 12, 1997, Friday

Study author Claire Murphy, psychology professor at San Diego State University, said tests showed the prevalence of smell loss among seniors is “much larger than previously appreciated.” Earlier estimates put the number of older Americans with smell-related disorders at 2.7 million; this new study suggests it is closer to 14 million.

– The Houston Chronicle January 03, 2003, Friday
– Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) January 5, 2003 Sunday
– Newhouse News Service December 17, 2002 Tuesday
– The Seattle Times December 23, 2002, Monday

Certain medications, prescribed and over the counter, can also diminish the sense of smell. Brain tumors, influenza, allergies and normal aging are other factors that contribute to the loss of the olfactory sense in the millions of people in the United States who, literally, cannot smell anything.

– Capital Times (Madison, WI.) June 2, 1998, Tuesday

Something strange is happening to our sense of smell. More and more people find it difficult to cope with ordinary odours. In summer, we suffer from hay fever and a host of other allergies. One in five babies is born with asthma, and with immune systems so weak that almost any kind of smell can trigger an allergic response. Anosmia, the medical term for the loss or impairment of the sense of smell, has become common. Are we in danger of evolving our sense of smell out of existence?

– New Statesman September 11, 2000

Millions of North Americans suffer from anosmias, disorders of smell, but medical textbooks offer little guidance for treatment.

– The Toronto Star, September 27, 1986

An estimated 16 million Americans suffer from smell and taste disorders. A UC San Diego Web site says it has been estimated that 3 million to 5 million Americans suffer from anosmia, the loss of the sense of smell.

– Los Angeles Times October 6, 2000, Friday

Anosmia Awareness Day was first launched by Daniel Schein, an American man with olfactory dysfunction, on February 27, 2012. 

As can be seen by the above statements from newspapers throughout the last few decades, the loss of smell and taste is not a new phenomenon. It has been known about, studied, and discussed. There are various reasons given for this symptom such as side effects from pharmaceuticals, old age, allergies, tumors, etc. So why is this old symptom of disease seemingly regarded as something new? This next source provides a nice breakdown for why this may be the case:

Anosmia—A Clinical Review

“Anosmia and hyposmia, the inability or decreased ability to smell, is estimated to afflict 3–20% of the population. Risk of olfactory dysfunction increases with old age and may also result from chronic sinonasal diseases, severe head trauma, and upper respiratory infections, or neurodegenerative diseases. These disorders impair the ability to sense warning odors in foods and the environment, as well as hinder the quality of life related to social interactions, eating, and feelings of well-being.”

“Recent nationally representative data reveals that anosmia afflicts 3.2% of US adults who are aged more than 40 years (3.4 million people) (Hoffman et al. 2016), and this number increases with age (14–22% of those 60 years and older; Kern et al. 2014Pinto et al. 2014Hoffman et al. 2016). These data have informed US public health recommendations for the need to appropriately evaluate and treat individuals with olfactory disorders thereby reducing the negative health effects of these disorders (Promotion USOoDPaH 2017).”

“As olfactory testing is not part of general health exams, clinicians need to rely on patient self-report of the problem. Of importance is that self-report measures are sensitive (correct recognition of olfactory dysfunction) and specific (correct recognition of normal) in comparison with a gold standard. The general consensus is that self-report of the sense of smell is specific but not sensitive—people do not recognize the problem (Wehling et al. 2011Schöpf and Kollndorfer 2015Adams et al. 2016). In a nationally representative sample of older US adults (NSHAP), 12.4% reported their sense of smell as fair or poor (using a 5-point Likert scale), whereas 22.0% had objective olfactory dysfunction. Among those with measured olfactory dysfunction, 74.2% did not recognize it (Adams et al. 2016).”

“The sense of smell plays a major role in eating behavior, for both anticipation and stimulation of appetite (Boesveldt and De Graaf 2017) and for flavor perception during consumption of food (Hummel and Nordin 2005Stevenson 2010Croy et al. 2014). Fifth Sense, the United Kingdom-based charity for people affected by smell and taste disorders, surveyed its members on the impact of their condition on their quality of life. From 496 respondents, 92% reported a reduced appreciation of food and drink, whereas 55% reported going out to restaurants less frequently (Philpott and Boak 2014).”

“Anosmia can result from many underlying diseases. The most common causes are sinonasal diseases, postinfectious disorder, and post-traumatic disorder (Damm et al. 2004; Nordin and Brämerson 2008). Other etiologies (e.g., congenital, idiopathic, toxic disorders, or disorders caused by a neurodegenerative disease) are less common but nonetheless important to rule out.”

The loss of smell is not a commonly reported symptom nor is it one that is regularly looked for upon clinical examination. It is a very subjective symptom which can mean many things to different people and it often goes overlooked and undiagnosed. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutically-controlled mouthpieces have touted anosmia as if it were both new and specific to “Covid.” This symptom was highlighted in numerous headlines over the last two years.

Examples from March and April 2020

The recognition for the loss of smell has increased because of a heightened awareness and state of consciousness due to continuous reminders linking this symptom to a “new” disease. Sadly, people still hold onto the belief that this condition is a tell-tale sign that “Covid-19” is somehow unique. They use it as an argument to claim “Covid-19” is somehow different from other diseases such as the flu even though they share the exact same symptoms of disease.

Is it the case that anosmia is not associated with the flu? Not at all:

Can The Flu Permanently Damage Your Sense of Smell?

“The flu can damage your sense of smell. Fortunately, this is usually not permanent, though it may take it a while to return. Often, whether or not you regain your sense of smell depends upon the underlying cause. If extensive damage is done to your nasal nerves, it is more likely that the condition will be permanent.

The medical term for a complete loss of smell is anosmia, while a partial loss of smell is called hyposmia.

Typically, anosmia is not an indicator of a serious condition. However, because the sense of taste and sense of smell are closely related, anosmia may mean that you lose interest in eating, and as a result, lose too much weight. Therefore, you fail to get the important nutrients your body needs. The National Institutes of Health state that anosmia affects 3 percent of the adult population over the age of 40, and the incidence increases with age. For those over 60 years of age, the rate rises to as much as 22 percent.”

Even the CDC admits that the loss of smell is not specific to “Covid-19.” In fact, they state that both the flu and “Covid-19” can not be differentiated clinically due to the similarity of symptoms and that testing must be done in order to make a diagnosis:

“Because some of the symptoms of flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses are similar, the difference between them cannot be made based on symptoms alone. Testing is needed to tell what the illness is and to confirm a diagnosis.”


Both COVID-19 and flu can have varying degrees of signs and symptoms, ranging from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe symptoms. Common symptoms that COVID-19 and flu share include:

  • Fever or feeling feverish/having chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Headache
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Change in or loss of taste or smell, although this is more frequent with COVID-19.

Or at least the CDC agrees that the loss of smell is a shared symptom between “Covid-19” and the flu until it decides to throw out misleading propaganda designed to deceive:

The flu is not the only condition anosmia is associated with either. According to the Mayo Clinic:

“A stuffy nose from a cold is a common cause for a partial, temporary loss of smell. A blockage in the nasal passages caused by a polyp or a nasal fracture also is a common cause. Normal aging can cause a loss of smell too, particularly after age 60.

Any problem in this process — a stuffy nose, a blockage, inflammation, nerve damage or a brain function condition — can affect your ability to smell normally.

Problems with the inner lining of your nose

Conditions that cause temporary irritation or congestion inside your nose may include:

Obstructions of your nasal passages

Conditions or obstructions that block the flow of air through your nose can include:

Damage to your brain or nerves

Nerves leading to the area of the brain that detects smell or the brain itself can be damaged or deteriorate due to:

It would seem anosmia isn’t uncommon at all and can occur due to various reasons. This was even admitted in an early study on “Covid-19:”

“The common symptoms of COVID-19 are general malaise, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms include muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and some nasal symptoms, especially smell and taste dysfunction. Similar to other upper airway viral infections (URTI), such as common cold or flu, the loss of smell is a frequent symptom in COVID-19 patients. However, a sudden, severe, and isolated loss of smell and/or taste may also be present in COVID-19 patients who are otherwise asymptomatic.”

Why Does Loss of Smell Occur?

“Major causes of acquired smell loss include URTI by respiratory viruses (adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza), traumatic brain injury, upper airway inflammation (rhinitis, rhinosinusitis), and neurodegenerative (Parkinson and Alzheimer) diseases while minor causes are intracranial/sinonasal tumors, drugs, exposure to toxic substances, irradiation, or iatrogenic factors [7].

Loss of smell is a common (> 60%) and usually transient (3–7 days) symptom in common cold and acute rhinosinusitis [8], with the post-viral etiology being also the most frequent cause of permanent loss of smell.”

Even though anosmia is neither new or specific to “Covid-19,” it is still seen as a telltale sign one has this “new” disease:

“Anosmia is a prominent sign of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients with COVID-19 can present a sudden onset of anosmia without any other symptoms. Before the onset of anosmia, other mild symptoms such as a dry cough may also be presented.”,may%20also%20be%20presented.

Why is it that anosmia is listed as a prominent sign of “Covid-19?” Why has there been such a focus on this particular symptom as a way of distinguishing “Covid-19” from other respiratory diseases when they all have this same symptom in common?

It is clear that anosmia is not new, that it can be a symptom of many diseases/disorders, and that it is not specific to “Covid-19.” In fact, there are no new or specific symptoms associated with “Covid-19.” They are all well known and range from none whatsoever all the way up to death. The CDC/WHO/MSM fear propaganda tried to cast anosmia as a new symptom primarily associated with “Covid-19” because, while many suffer from this condition, it is not regularly noticed and/or reported. It is the perfect culprit to reinterpret as a “new” symptom for their “novel virus.” This is just another trick they have utilized in an attempt to fool you. Once you realize this, you will see that all of the symptoms of disease, from allergies to the common cold, and from the flu on up to pneumonia, are nothing but the progressive worsening state of a highly toxic environment within the body. You will find that none of the symptoms associated with these diseases are ever caused by a “virus.” Once you see this, you will not be fooled by the rebranding and reshuffling of the same symptoms ever again.


  1. Thanks for this illuminating article. For the record, I took paracetomol recently and couldn’t taste anything for 5 days! And of course if they say that ultimately “IT” can only be confirmed by testing this is a catch 22. Because how are you going to calibrate your test if you have no identifiable disease by which to obtain a specific sample.
    Unfortunately the majority are too simple to realise this simple sleight of hand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it is unfortunate as there are many who have difficulty recovering. While there are numerous conditions linked to anosmia, my belief is that the biggest culprit damaging our sense of smell is the increase in air pollution, particularly PM2.5, all around the world. It is a well known issue that is only getting worse and it is admitted to causing every symptom associated with all of these respiratory diseases. If we clean up the air pollution, many will find relief and a return to normalcy.


    1. As well as from air pollution, specifically PM2.5 exposure. People tend to assume one cause but there are clearly many which cause the same symptoms of disease. None of them require the existence of a “virus” to explain. 😉

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  2. I don’t believe in germ theory and i don’t follow any of the recommendations such as PCR testing. Last november i got sick and my symptoms were high fever and muscle/joint aches. At no point did i have a congested nose/sinuses or a sore throat or anything like that. On day 5, i felt a lot better but it was like all of a sudden my taste and smell were ‘switched off’ from one moment to the next! I literally could smell a bottle of vinegar or an onion for a while and not even blink. 99% of taste and smell was gone and after 6 weeks i’d say i regained 70%. All i took was some paracetamol to alleviate my aches and fever. I always thought the loss of taste and smell may have something to do with people sticking a PCR up their nose. Thought i’d share my story here… I really didn’t expect the loss of taste and smell at all, because i didn’t have any symptoms that would logically lead up to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe this symptom has much to do with air pollution. I had a similar situation where myself and some of my family became severely congested with a constant cough. Some of us lost our smell for a while. The week leading up to our illnesses, we had the worst air pollution I have eve seen. It was foggy for days and the PM2.5 levels were 10x over the “healthy” limit. Once the air cleared up back to normal, the severe congestion cleared up we regained our sense of smell. I believe many of our respiratory issues will clear up once we finally deal with the rising air pollution, which has only become worse one the last 4 years due to cutbacks in regulations.


  3. Thank you for such an illuminating and thorough article. I had “covid” in December 2021 and lost all smell and taste. Only now 7 weeks in do I have about 50% . Was hoping for some additional ideas to support the return. I take a high dose zinc supplement and have had 2 acupuncture sessions ( olfactory nerves related to lung meridians apparently).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I’m sorry to hear what you are going through. My wife went through something similar. She kept trying to regain her smell with meds/herbals and nothing worked. I kept telling her to do nothing, stop focusing/stressing over it, and the body will heal. She eventually took my advice and it has returned. I’m not saying doing nothing will work for everyone but I think sometimes we try too hard to overcome symptoms and end up causing them to linger.

      I did have a friend who shared this vid with me. I have yet to watch it but it was in response to my article and it pertains to restoring smell. I hope it helps! 🙂


    2. Read from someone’s experience on facebook who also had total loss of smell and taste. This guy was drying those small red spicy peppers on a tray in the oven. He took the tray out and touched the peppers, then his nose after which he had a good burn in the nose. 5 minutes later he could taste and smell again. Maybe it’s the capsaicin, i have no explanation for it. I haven’t tried because i usually don’t react very well to spicy stuff. If anyone cares to try, let us know how it goes

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      1. Hey Mike, just curious to know: are you a medical professional? Are medical professionals involved in compiling the information on this website?


      2. No, I am not a medical professional. I am a health coach. While I have friends who are medical professionals with whom I discuss things with on a regular basis, I compile all of this information myself.


  4. Fasting has worked wonders on my sense of smell, for what it’s worth. Usually takes several days of just water and rest, some noontime* sun if available.

    *Yes, the very time they tell you us not to sunbathe. Key is to do it super gradually. 1 minute first day, 2 the next, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have heard fasting can do wonders for all kinds of ailments. Sometimes the body needs to have the chance to flush everything out and devote the energy towards healing rather than digestion.


  5. Exactly. I have a whole model of how and why it works that I’m interested in diagramming and sharing so that it’s crystal clear, because it consistently mystifies people. There needs to be some kind of forum for all these kinds of ideas to come together.

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  6. sorry.. covid was made in the lab- spike protein added to CV. it was spread intentionally. of course the numbers and threat were hyped, but it does exist. to pretend that there has not been an EXPONENTIAL increase in loss of taste is blatant deception. 100s of MILLIONS have long-term loss of taste, as in YEARS LONG. not 10 days “from a cold” there was never in human history a time where “the flu” caused permanent loss of taste in 10s of millions, to pretend otherwise is a blatant lie. for MILLIONS, loss of taste was their ONLY symptom from covid. sorry, covid exists, it was made. nature does not accept molecular tinkering, so it goes away quickly until re-introduced. they have predicted every single “wave”, because they engineer each one. many outbreaks have been engineered for decades, this is the reality..


    1. Loss of smell does not prove a “virus.” If that is the brunt of your evidence, it is very weak. There are numerous causes of loss of smell which do not need any “viral” explanation including air pollution which has increased over the last few years. The bioweapon/lab leak is a red herring. A “virus” would need to be proven to exist in reality first in a purified/isolated state, proven pathogenic, and shown to be contagious before one could engineer this fictional entity in a lab. This proof does not exist. You are being led astray by controlled opposition to keep yourself involved in the Germ Theory deception.


    2. Frist of all, check the CDC website:

      “Common symptoms that COVID-19 and flu share include:

      – Fever or feeling feverish/having chills
      – Cough
      – Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      – Fatigue (tiredness)
      – Sore throat
      – Runny or stuffy nose
      – Muscle pain or body aches
      – Headache
      – Vomiting
      – Diarrhea
      – Change in or loss of taste or smell, although this is more frequent with COVID-19.”

      They say it’s more frequent in “covid” but this is meaningless because there is natural variation among these influenza symptoms every year anyway, likely because the body is cleaning itself of a long and changing list of toxins as new pesticides are introduced, new air pollution toxins are present from new products, new drugs and vaccines role out, food products and additives change and diets adjust, and even due to natural environmental variation.

      Pick a year at random, say the 2006-2007 flu season, and look at what flu symptoms were particularly common that year. It will likely be something, say diarrhea. There will then (due to the bell curve) be some small percentage really bad and persistent diarrhea. If you simply rename that year’s flu “BLOVID-6” it’s easy to start claiming that “diarrhea is more frequent in Blovid” and find a bunch of anecdotes of people who have “the worst diarrhea of their lives” but it is equally meaningless.

      Your first article says only 10.7% experience a particularly long spell of smell issues like you’re saying 100s of millions do (must be worldwide, but was this was not a worldwide survey; also look at the air pollution article on this site), and if you read the article you’re replying to you know this isn’t anything like remarkably high for seasonal flu. Remember likely we’re talking mostly among the elderly who have all sorts of things going on.

      Finally, consider that much more aggressive drugs and intubation have been used due to the media-based perception of a new and dangerous disease. Even just people slamming more NSAIDs from the medicine cabinet than they normally would have. Or even Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which people who fall for the “lab leak” story seem to pin their hopes on. These can easily be the culprit for any “long covid” effects, as the body is hindered in its cleaning efforts by these drugs plus they introduce new toxins and damage to deal with.

      There will never be a lab leak or engineered bioweapon-based pandemic, and there never has been a pathogen-based pandemic in history.

      The evidence is painstakingly laid out throughout this website so please stay a while and take a look around. The “lab leaks” and “bioweapons” are just stories to keep people caught in the web of fearing “viruses.” Virology is a TOTAL pseudoscience. Seriously. It’s undeniable if you look at the evidence with an open mind.

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