Chickenpox Little and The Sky Falling

Alec Zeck, myself, and many others in the “no virus” camp were recently in a bit of a Twitter debate with a Canadian influencer known as Chris Sky after he called out anyone supporting the “no virus” message. It was an interesting experience that is detailed more in-depth in this Substack article. This interaction lasted over multiple days and ultimately resulted in Mr. Sky challenging anyone within our camp to debate a hypothetical chickenpox scenario that he created himself.

“Real world” = hypothetical. 🤦‍♂️

Needless to say, when determining the cause of an effect, we don’t do hypotheticals. The debate should be based upon documented scientific evidence, not anecdotal stories. Chris was rather impatient waiting for our response and expected us to make an excuse to avoid responding to his fantastical challenge.

We have no excuse as we do not need one. Presented here instead is a 65-minute refutation of Chris’s hypothetical and his belief in the invisible chickenpox boogeyman.

Ironically, what we got from Chris in response was an excuse.

Go figure. 🤷‍♂️

For more on why there is no need to fear the chickenpox “virus,” please refer to these articles.


  1. Chris Sky also claimed he’s seen photos of viruses invading cells and replicating, apparently unaware that preparations for viewing anything via an electron microscope requires the application of extreme cold and extreme heat, killing anything which is alive.. 🙂

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  2. Chris Sky has become CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. He has been bought for a good sum. He has been paraded in and out of jail so the enslaved sheep can believe he is a freedom fighter. It’s all theater.
    So he absolutely MUST protect the virus and Germ Theory at all costs, because this is the goose that lays the golden eggs for the elite bankers and their pharma cartels. Therefore it’s no surprise he contradicts himself by first saying that covid is fake because no virus is isolated, the tests are fake, antibodies do not prove viruses…..and then flip-flopping the other way and using these same argument to prove that all other viruses exist. And it’s hilarious how stupid this bimbo is by not even noticing his own contradictions.

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      1. Excellent stuff as usual Mike! “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. If the truth will set you free, logically what then, does untruth, deceit etc. do to you?

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      2. Yes, and the extent as to which these actors will go to distract and obfuscate is huge. They infiltrate everywhere, like we found with the Terrain Theory group on FB. People who speak the absolute truth hardly get mentioned, if at all. The truth needs no defence, yet these puppets vehemently attempt to defend the fraud on behalf of their puppeteers.

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      3. So then how big of an idiot are you for falling over yourself to rebut his disingenuous arguments? Do you think that makes you/us look credible?


      4. Chris has plenty of followers who believe in what he says. It is important to show them that, not only does he not believe in what he says by contradicting himself, he does not understand what he is talking about either. Chris is leading people away from truth. He called us out. We responded accordingly.


    1. I’m not sure he is aware of his role, probably too wound up inside his own ego and his identity as a resistance leader with lots of followers. I had a long time (over 20 years) friend tell me on FB that he, who has never finished community college runs FB groups and knows the up-to-date science and i, with an engineering degree and decades of teaching the math and stats used in science and doing ample science reading, am an aged has-been who’s clinging to outdated notions such as evidence for the physical isolation and purification of viruses. “This is what the experts say.”


  3. Why have an enlightened opinion, supported by the whole of the evidence only to go mucking around in the slop with agitators? ACT LIKE YOU’VE BEEN THERE. Watching Alex Zeck grilling David Martin for an hour trying to get some ‘loyalty oath’ out of him was the most annoying thing I’ve ever seen. David Martin correctly spoke to all the nuance, specifically facts that he fully understands, while Alex just came at him over and over with slogans. Even though at no point did Dr Martin disagree with him, he simply spoke to the wider reality beyond Alex’s understanding. Only to get browbeaten by slogans from a nobody. And where did Alex even come from? West Point? Where he didn’t learn anything about genomics but definitely took classes in psychological operations? Nothing to see there. And since then he’s bullied his way to the forefront of this issue while adamantly asserting he deserves to get paid for it. I’ve spent 20 years in genomics. I know what is and isn’t, I know what’s in the literature and I’ve walked the real walk off doing real science to the full standard. DO YOU THINK IM WASTING ONE SECOND ARGUING WITH FUCKING IDIOT CHRIS SKY? Why would I do that? What would I get from that (besides views and subscribers, hmmmmm)? Why are you even doing this? Is this about attention and self promotion, like it is for Pay-Me-Alex, or the truth that cannot be disputed, certainly not by some bleach headed walking meme like Chris Sky? I still remember reading Rock Scully’s memoirs about being on the road with the Grateful Dead for 30 years. And his profound statement that “everything that starts out as genuine eventually turns into some big spectacle selling tickets to itself”. When I see Alex Zeck, Steve Falconer, etc making a big spectacle of arguing publicly with people like Chris Sky, this quote starts flashing bright red across the front of my brain. No virus has ever been proven to exist. Contagion has never been proven. A Farewell to Virology has not been rebutted and the Isolate the Truth prize has not been claimed. The entirety of the facts are on our side. We don’t need flim-flam men.
    If you’re having public debates about this with Chris Sky, you’re not doing science or anything of any use to anyone really. So what are you doing? To what end? Alex is getting paid for throwing around sales pitches and slogans like a used car salesman. Is this the best you think we can do? Is this really how you want to represent yourself? Is this your idea of what truth and credibility look like? As I see it Chris Sky won the debate by making you foolishly take the bait at all. It doesn’t inspire any confidence to see you desperate to rebut a troll who’s just trying to piggyback on your growing popularity. But that’s the difference between seeking scientific truth and self promotion. Why don’t y’all just try and get yourselves on that speaking tour with Robert Malone and Del Bigtree while you’re at it? Then Alex can bark his slogans at a gullible receptive audience just like he always wanted. They’ll clap like trained seals for him and never challenge his lack of knowledge or experience. This site is a great resource, but the spectacle of clueless morons trolling each other isn’t doing anyone any good…


    1. Re “Robert Malone”

      “Caring” Dr. Malone (like Dr. Desmet etc) is an establishment shill, everyone can see that readily just read the info at these urls:

      Malone is the arrogant “fact-loving” shill who keeps losing his FRIVOLOUS law suits against real truth-tellers ( As an example, he sued a doctor, Peter Breggin, M.D., who had worked FOR DECADES TO REVEAL corruptions and frauds of the allopathic governmental-medical establishments while Malone has worked FOR DECADES TO SERVE the interests of the very same criminal establishment. Guess whom you should trust? Mmm, that’s a tough one to figure out.

      With a “sweet” slick establishment shill like Malone one must always ask when exposed to his “persuasive” talks when he defends himself against truthful allegations about him by others what he deliberate omits to tell you about himself so that he always looks like a good guy. Example, Malone FABRICATES slanderous statements about a number of people in the “alternative health movement” he’s been attacking ( &

      Malone supposedly “suddenly saw the light” (meaning he was stupid and conscienceless all his former professional life spanning 3 decades, see his upcoming quote below, yet he’s now the entitled “enlightened” smart person with a conscience everyone should trust and follow — what utter absurdity, it’s psychopaths who sell you and dumb people who buy such nonsense, see ‘pink elephants’ url below) and entered the public space out of nowhere, and then SELFISHLY presents HIMSELF as a “victim” of those ruling “bad guys” and wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side as he ALLEGEDLY overnight grew a conscience. He like Desmet are propagandizing distorted narratives of the whole truth — falsehoods and lies, essentially.

      Yet Malone has been serving the criminal (medical-biopharmaceutical-industrial-military-intelligence) establishment for decades promoting their sick and destructive interests and agendas ( & &

      Malone himself stated it, including with his lie of having done “ethical vaccine development” which is an oxymoron because all official vaccine are made by the allopathic medial mafia business (and Malone’s own NON-ethical vaccine research proves it’s a lie, see further below): “I have deep understanding of government affairs and proper, ethical vaccine development as well as development of other drugs and biologicals. It was my job and my business for decades. I destroyed that business that I had built up over 30 years to alert the world to what was going on.” (

      He knew in 2019 (!!) that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic yet he did nothing to prevent its inclusion in Covid jabs ( and which is a form of lying by omission and worse … yet he is suing all sorts of people ( and and &!) for slandering him (when that “slander” is evidently only real truths about him) and, topping it off, he said in one of his written pieces that he holds the health truth movement up to a higher standard. What a complete hypocrite, deceiver, and psychopath! From being silent and inert, from knowingly hiding life-saving information, to wanting to be the deserving self-entitled trustworthy leader in the truth movement.

      Since he knew at least since 2019 that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic we can be certain that his publicized events of him getting a Covid “vaccine and a booster are fraudulent staged fake events. Him deceiving the public … you.

      Malone also claimed about his ALLEGED Covid jabs that “the second shot almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Yet as someone pointed out… “Dr. Robert Malone says he was almost killed by the Moderna Experimental Transfections in Spring, 2021. His subsequent rhetorical output and emotional affect seemed incongruent with that harm.” Are you still asleep about the fact that he’s a liar and a fraud?

      Eg, fraudster Malone is a co-developer of a toxic covid vaccine that “resulted in ACUTE LUNG INJURY in animal studies and introduce Aluminum (neurotoxin) directly into human cells” ( Now, suddenly, he wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side. NOT unlike “expert Doctor” Bill Gates, the psychopathic entrepreneur with huge vaccine business interests, who has been elevated, and propagandized, by “the science” leaders of the world to the status of “world’s top medical doctor” who’s fully entitled to tell everyone to get toxic Covid “vaccines” during the onset of this scamdemic. That last fact alone should totally convince you that the world is controlled by psychopaths instead of sane people.

      “All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord

      In one of Malone’s “expert” articles (“Groupthink: we are all victims”) his public misdirection, his disinformation is already evident in the title. His dissemination of the total lie of the public as “innocent victims” appeals of course to the public and their general dishonesty (which is a major reason he’s so liked and promoted everywhere as it “washes him clean and innocent” and as he panders to their selfish self-delusions) but it is a complete distortion of reality:

      Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral NON-innocent soldiers)?

      Who do you think researches, works on, develops, and designs the mountain of toxic destructive exploitive technologies of human civilization (mindless immoral NON-innocent scientists)?

      Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral NON-innocent doctors and nurses)?

      Who do you think wears useless Covid masks (or puts them on their kids) (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

      Who do you think trusts, follows, obeys, votes for, and does the dirty work for the governing authorities (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

      And on and on… with the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of mindless immoral NON-innocent self-entitled “good” people — the 90-95% of the herd.

      Yes, the ruling authorities control brainwash you. BUT … the public does their bidding DESPITE that people know politicians lie to them all the time. There are TWO human pink elephants in the room … and they are MARRIED and NEITHER is innocent at all …. (or

      “By employing Malone as a soft ‘whistleblower,’ the powers that be are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and deception. When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his arms for comfort. They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored, then he must be telling the truth…. But he doesn’t represent the true opposition (us) — he’s an insane demon who thinks vaccines save lives and has spent his entire life creating these elixirs of death and destruction.” []

      Criminal huge vaccine profiteers such as Malone [] or psychopath “Dr” Bill Gates have been working together in the past to increase their wealth from vaccines [].

      If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

      “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022


  4. Wikipedia Propaganda and Smallpox

    According to Wikipedia smallpox was the virus that brought down the Aztec empire.

    “It was introduced to Mexican lands by the Spanish and played a significant role in the downfall of the Aztec Empire . . .

    . . . Regardless of the exact numbers, it is certain that the conquest of the Aztec Empire was greatly influenced by the arrival of the smallpox virus. . .

    . . . Mexico’s native population was one of the first to experience a smallpox epidemic, where many succumbed to the disease. In 1520, the first wave of smallpox killed 5-8 million people. . .”

    Oops, maybe not.

    New Evidence Links The Collapse of Aztec Society to a Deadly Salmonella Outbreak

    Beware of Wikipedia propaganda when it comes to viruses. Get the truth about smallpox.

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  5. After noticing some inconsistencies in Chris Saccoccia’s pitches, hearing 3 years ago that he was a shill and wondering how could that be, watching his antics for 4 years, and now this 180 on viruses, that chicken pox is real as described being “caused by a virus”, and that there was always something just not quite right like him appearing half naked all the time and over the top drama when he was arrested obviously done for the show, I have to agree with those pointing all this out prior. Where’s he getting all his money from? It’s great that you are calling this fraud out on this. It’s now becoming so precisely clear the depths of the fraud and how the public is being played on all levels. Notice too how the “freedom community” latched onto that tennis player who now sits with a smile as a winner in the tennis match and pHARMa shows Mode RNA’s “shot of the day”. Shot of the day? One guess where that’s all going. Here’s a clue, daily patches, no more shots, you are a winner.

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    1. Thanks for the comment, Think Well! I wasn’t really familiar with Chris until this encounter, but many of the red flags that you noticed bothered me immediately as well. His attacks against the “no virus” position couldn’t go unchallenged. Fortunately, Chris did what I thought he’d do and folded under the pressure, showing his true colors for everyone to see.


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